Wednesday 27 March 2013


Here are some jokes that I found off this game. Some or all of them will not be funny. I am copying them how they were made. Some I made up or have been told.

What do you do with a blue monster?

Try to cheer it up!

What do you get if you cross a frog with a small dog?

A croacker  spaniel!

Knock Knock

Who's there? 

Little old lady

Little old lady who?

I didn`t know you could yodel!

Doctor Doctor I broke my arm in 2 places

Well stay out of those places!

What animal has oil?

A mouse because it squeaks!

Friday 22 March 2013

Club penguin Puffle Party 2013

I am going to show you the puffle party

This is the black puffle room and it is under the plaza.

This is the blue puffle room and it is at the dock.

This is the brown puffle room and it is the arcade upstairs from the night club.

This is the green puffle room and it is on the top floor of the lighthouse.

This is the spa and gym and it at the new puffle hotel next to the pet shop. 

This is the lobby in the new puffle hotel next to the pet shop.
This is the orange puffle room and that is outside the lighthouse in a box with purple swirls.

This is the pink puffle room which is on the iceburg.

This is the play zone and it is in the ski lodge.

This is the purple puffle which is at the night club bottem floor.

This is the puffle feeding area which is at the snow forts there is a little lane and I think it says puffle feeding but it is only there for the puffle party.

This is the red puffle room and its at the cove.

This is the white puffle room which is at ski hill.

This is the yellow puffle room and it is at the bottem floor of the lighthouse.

This is the roof which is at the new puffle hotel next to the pet shop
That's all I have time for well by for now


On Sunday it is easter not this Sunday next Sunday so Amelia my sister has arranged this whole post so she said that she would like to show you 2 pictures of easter eggs I don`t know why but she wanted to so here they are!

Animal easter eggs
character easter eggs  

Thursday 21 March 2013

Save the rainforest

Please help save the rainforest because people are cutting down trees from the rainforest and think about all of the animals who lived there where would they live. Please join a sponsor thing to help save the rainforest and animals. If your there thinking oh why should I care it just a rainforest think again and look at this.

This is deforestation its a ruined rainforest ( or some) made as land. Rainforests take a long time to grow.

But think about the animals as well the Toucans , the Bats all of the animals. If you are cut down the trees in the rainforest stop it. People live in rainforests to. What if they did the same to our forests you wouldn`t like it so stop it and look after the rainforests.