Sunday, 22 April 2012

eath day party

hello i am going to show you what i have got from the party i am going to tell you in words well i got the painted dog and the rockhoper penguin now i will show you a picture of my favite that i am wearing i did a circle round me and my sister.                             

                                                                         sorry its so small if you cant see it i am the dog saying i got one and my sister is the lion to see what hat we are wearing if you have got it you`ll no. it is at the plaza and town.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


hello remember when i said that i would do a picture?well ferget that because i am doing a viedo well its like a movie now i will show you different pictures.
well not different but funny


this picture is very good all thow it is not winter yet but it still is good like the last picture hope you like it

time for another picture they are all very good

it looks like a blue puffle has got a ball for christmas and it looks like she/he loves it.soon I will post a picture but I don't no when because I don't have ink hope you like the pictures.

funny penguin pictures

hello sorry I have not put a post on for a long time but now i have found funny pictures here is my favite hope you like it as well as I do here it is.
            Now thats funny a puffle wearing a hat and a mustash and the green  puffle  next time  I will put on more funny pictures.